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Relaxing Candles

Now Featuring LED Light Therapy

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Our Spark LED Light therapy machine provides a completely non-invasive, natural, and relaxing service to patients with all different kinds of skin. By soothing and rejuvenating the skin, light therapy is a miraculous modality. Different wavelengths represent different colors of the visible spectrum, and these colors each have their own unique beneficial properties. The Spark Dome Light combines 3 main colors that can work independently. A total of 6 colors are included in Spark Light Therapy: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, & Orange. 


  • Acne: LED light therapy can help reduce acne, with some people seeing improvement within 8 to 10 treatment sessions. However, more severe cases may take longer to show improvement.

  • Anti-Aging: For anti-aging purposes such as reducing fine lines and wrinkles, significant improvements can be seen after several weeks or months of consistent treatment.

  • Hyperpigmentation: When it comes to fading dark spots and achieving an even skin tone, changes may be noticeable in a few weeks. However, more stubborn pigmentation may require extended treatment.

  • Wound Healing: LED light therapy can expedite wound healing. The treatment’s ability to stimulate collagen production and encourage the skin’s natural healing mechanisms can result in quicker recovery times.

Book a FREE Consultaion to find out more or create your customized program and get individual and package pricing! 

Now Featuring Ultrasonic Scrub Facial

Try our new Ultrasonic Scrub Facial if you are looking for non-invasive, results-driven treatments. Here are some of the key outcomes:

  1. Deep Cleansing: The procedure effectively removes dirt, oil, and impurities from the skin, leaving it clean and refreshed.

  2. Improved Skin Tone: Skin scrubber treatments can help improve skin tone and complexion. Clients may notice a more even skin tone and reduced redness.

  3. Reduced Blackheads: One of the notable benefits is the reduction of blackheads. The ultrasonic waves dislodge and help remove blackheads from the pores.

  4. Enhanced Product Absorption: Following a skin scrubber treatment, the skin is primed to absorb skincare products more effectively. This can lead to better results from serums, moisturizers, and other products.

  5. Increased Hydration: Skin scrubbing can improve skin hydration levels, leading to a more supple and moisturized complexion.

  6. Exfoliation: The procedure provides gentle exfoliation, which helps remove dead skin cells from the surface, revealing fresher, smoother skin.

  7. Improved Skin Elasticity: Clients may notice improved skin elasticity and firmness over time, contributing to a more youthful appearance.

  8. Fine Lines and Wrinkle Reduction: While not a substitute for more intensive anti-aging treatments, regular skin scrubber sessions can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  9. Reduction in Acne Breakouts: Skin scrubbers can be effective in preventing acne breakouts by keeping pores clear of debris and excess oil.

  10. Relaxation: The massaging action of the skin scrubber can provide a relaxing and soothing experience for clients. 


Click on (Book Now) to schedule our New Ultrsonic Scrub Facial...



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Now Featuring our Natural Strip Lash Enhancement Services

Would you like for your lashes to appear fuller and more visible naturally? Well this service is for you and it is being featured Now for ONLY $21.....
Click (BOOK NOW) and select our Natural Strip Lash Service...

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